Gantt chart

The Gantt chart is a useful tool to visualize terms of implementation of actions which have specified in the minutes (action minutes) and particularly advisable to track tasks in a project. If company does not has a specific software, you can make one with Excel, with the following guidelines:

  • Make a list of topics and tasks of each of the topics.
  • Detail sequential tasks that depend on each other
  • Detail of parallel tasks that can be doing at the same time as the others.
  • Topics and tasks organized by start date and deadline.
  • Specify the person in charge for each of the actions or tasks.
  • On review, mark, for example an arrow, to know at what point you are.
  • Put a milestone marked as a triangle or diamond, for those key moments that have to be prepared.

The Gantt chart will help us to monitor all work very effectively.

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