Have you heard of MOOC’s?

The end of the year has come again and with it the time to do a balance and thinking about what we want to do, we should do or continue doing for the New Year. One of the things that is always there is continue training, being update, adding new skills, improving languages or starting a new one. However, it becomes difficult working with the endless schedules that absorb the day, family and personal things to do. So you really want to do is hung out, putting off training.

A good option to continue training when there is little time is to do a MOOC. This word is the acronym of Massive Open Online Course. They are free for people who want to study and has Internet access. Its origin is from 2 professors:  George Siemens and Stephen Downes who in 2008 decided to give the course Connectivism and Connective Knowledge (CCK08) in Manitoba University in Canada. It has come up since then other MOOC’s, there are a huge quantity of them from many universities around the world.

You look for on Google the MOOC word, it turns up a list of platforms offering courses given by the best national and international universities in several languages. They give different topics: scientist, technological, IT-systems, humanistic, education, business, personal development, languages. Some of them has a month duration, another ones more time, with variability of levels and hours to study. It must be said that they aren’t equal to a university course, nevertheless it’s an introduction on a subject we are interested or learning about some specific contents. Furthermore you can keep up with the mobile app. So it can be a good New Year resolution. HAPPY 2020!

Post picture made with Canva.

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